Community Corrections
Did you know?
Community Residential Facility: These facilities, once known as “halfway houses” provide an important bridge between institutional care and the community by supporting gradual, supervised reintegration for individuals, combined with the appropriate treatment programs.
Statutory Release: By law, most offenders must be released by Correctional Service Canada with supervision after serving 2/3’s of their sentence, if parole has not already been granted. People who are on statutory release with a residency condition, may be required to reside at a community residential facility as part of their release into the community.
Day Parole: A form of release under Canadian law that permits prisoner participation in public activities during the day, and requires they return to their institution or halfway house nightly.
Full Parole: A form of conditional release that allows an offender to serve part of a prison sentence in the community. Under full parole, the person does not have to return nightly to an institution; however, they must report regularly to a parole supervisor and in certain cases, to the police.
Shelter Nova Scotia owns and operates two community residential facilities, providing residence to (up to) 28 individuals each day. We utilize a structured, supportive approach to assist individuals in their transition from prison to community living. We believe in supporting people in a non-judgmental environment while promoting compassion and dignity. Through a strong working relationship with parole officers, residents are supported in their individual release plans as they re-engage with the community.

We partner with Correctional Service Canada (CSC) to provide housing support while people transition from institutions back to community life while maintaining public safety. We strive to ensure that each resident is provided with access to the services they require, with the goal of successful independent living after their time in a Community Residential Facility (CRF).

Sir Sandford Fleming House - est. 1984
Established in 1984, Sir Sandford Fleming House is a community residential facility for residents who identify as male and gender diverse. We have room for 20 people every night.
Stats as of March 2020:
Average age of residents: 35 years old
Day Parole Releases: 51
Successful releases transitioned back into the community: 79%
Successful in finding personal accommodations/housing: 95% (remaining 5% due to CSC ending voluntary stay due to bed space and resident released to Salvation Army)
Full Parole: 8
Average stay: 82 days
Statutory Release: 11
Residents who were employed/pursuing education: 60%

Nehiley House - est. 2005
Established in 2005, Nehiley House is a community residential facility for residents who identify as female and gender diverse. We have room for 8 people every night and we can accommodate women and their children through our "Mother/Child" program.
We support and engage our residents in a women-centered environment. The location, structure and services offered reflect the needs of the women and the atmosphere promotes growth, healthy living and personal development.
Stats as of March 2020:
Average age of residents: 37 years old
Day Parole Releases: 15
42% were successfully released and transitioned back to community
Full Parole Releases: 5
Average stay was 120 days
Statutory Release: 2
100% of the releases were federally sentenced